Header: map of Durham

Durham City Maps

This site is a repository for maps of Durham City, primarily for use by the City of Durham Parish Council, including its Neighbourhood Plan and the City of Durham Trust.

Neighbourhood Plan

The maps below are all interactive maps, on an Ordnance Survey base except where otherwise noted. The maps are also available as PDFs, and these versions are listed on the Neighbourhood Planning website.

Copyright information: © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS 0100060997. You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable licence solely to view the Licensed Data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which the City of Durham Parish Council makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the Licensed Data to third parties in any form. Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.

Proposals Map 1: Our Neighbourhood
This coincides with the extent of the City of Durham Parish.
Proposals Map 2: Local Green Spaces
This shows the extents of the nine areas designated as Local Green Space in Policy G2.
Proposals Map 3: Emerald Network
This shows the 17 sites identified in Policy G3, which are of wildlife interest and linked by public rights of way or pavements.
Proposals Map 4: Green Belt – areas for improvement
Two areas in the Green Belt are identified in Policy G4 are identified in this map as being places where proposals for improving access will be supported.
Proposals Map 5: Economic Designated Sites
Shows the location of the Aykley Heads Business Park and Fowlers Yard, economic designated sited allocated in Policy E1 and Policy E2 respectively.
Proposals Map 6: City Centre Boundary and Primary Shopping Area
Shows these areas as defined in Policy E3.
Proposals Map 7: Housing Sites
This map identifies two sites allocated for housing development in Policy D1.

Other Parish Council Maps

Durham’s Green Belt
The map shows the extent of the Green Belt in County Durham, as defined in the County Durham Plan and using information provided by Durham County Council.
Licensed premises in the Parish
Categorised as pubs, restaurants, hotels, etc.
Bus shelters
There is a proposal to put plants on the roofs of some of these, and the map shows where they are.

Other Maps

Traffic Counters
Durham County Council have provided a set of spreadsheets giving traffic counts at eleven locations across Durham City. This map shows the locations of those counters.
Travel times by car to key sites in the City
It is anticipated that the revised and refreshed County Durham Plan will continue to propose that land be removed from the Green Belt. Guidance is that before removing land from the Green Belt, all reasonable alternatives should be explored. We have interrogated Google Maps to draw up lists of travel time, by car, to three key sites in Durham. These show large areas beyond the Green Belt where travel times are in the range of 5 to 15 minutes, which we contend should have been evaluated. These maps show travel times to Aykley Heads, the centre of Durham and the University HQ.
Percentage of students
Shows how many students there are in different parts of County Durham, as at the 2011 census.
Census Output Areas
These are the lowest geographical level for which census information is published. The recommended size for an OA is 125 households.

Credits and technical details

Web space donated by Cornwell Internet.

Cornwell Internet