
Bus shelters in the City of Durham

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PinBus shelters


This map shows the location of all the bus shelters in the City of Durham Parish (at least, the ones known to the Ordnance Survey). This code may be adapted to show other places of interest.


Base map © OpenStreetMap contributors
Premises location and address information © Crown copyright and database rights 2024 OS AC0000830695. You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable licence solely to view the Licensed Data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which the City of Durham Parish Council makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the Licensed Data to third parties in any form. Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.

Using Leaflet, as described in the article Creating An Interactive Map With Leaflet and OpenStreetMap